
Síminn Rebranding

Síminn is a well-established company that has experienced rapid growth in recent years, expanding its offerings to include a diverse range of services and entertainment options. While we began our rebranding efforts with a strong foundation, our analysis led us to prioritize a brand experience that is family-friendly, reliable, and modern.

Most people recognize the Síminn logo and the iconic 'telephone blue' color, which is why we wanted to pay homage to them. We refined the brand and utilized it as the cornerstone for a flexible and contemporary transformation applicable across all our media platforms.

Our color palette revolves around various shades of blue, each assigned to different services for easy differentiation. Additionally, we introduced a captivating 3D animated world, enhancing the brand's appeal with a fresh and polished aesthetic.

Hvíta húsið, 2023

Síminn Rebranding

Síminn is a well-established company that has experienced rapid growth in recent years, expanding its offerings to include a diverse range of services and entertainment options. While we began our rebranding efforts with a strong foundation, our analysis led us to prioritize a brand experience that is family-friendly, reliable, and modern.

Most people recognize the Síminn logo and the iconic 'telephone blue' color, which is why we wanted to pay homage to them. We refined the brand and utilized it as the cornerstone for a flexible and contemporary transformation applicable across all our media platforms.

Our color palette revolves around various shades of blue, each assigned to different services for easy differentiation. Additionally, we introduced a captivating 3D animated world, enhancing the brand's appeal with a fresh and polished aesthetic.

Hvíta Húsið, 2023

Síminn rebranding

Síminn is a well-established company that has experienced rapid growth in recent years, expanding its offerings to include a diverse range of services and entertainment options. While we began our rebranding efforts with a strong foundation, our analysis led us to prioritize a brand experience that is family-friendly, reliable, and modern.

Most people recognize the Síminn logo and the iconic 'telephone blue' color, which is why we wanted to pay homage to them. We refined the brand and utilized it as the cornerstone for a flexible and contemporary transformation applicable across all our media platforms.
Our color palette revolves around various shades of blue, each assigned to different services for easy differentiation. Additionally, we introduced a captivating 3D animated world, enhancing the brand's appeal with a fresh and polished aesthetic.




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